
1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | Complete list of concerts | List of bands that played with Joy Division



Date: Friday 20 October 1978

Venue: Russel Club – Manchester (UK)



Line-up: Ian Curtis | Peter Hook | Stephen Morris | Bernard Sumner

Concert organization: Factory Records

Opening act: The Tiller Boys
Opening for:
Cabaret Voltaire

The white on black poster (FAC 3) for the event was designed by Peter Saville






The intensity, the passion of this music completely eclipsed anything the audience had seen in a long, long time. Most people left the gig in a state of exhaustion, unable to explain just why this tiny local band had affected them so deeply. In fact, Joy Division were as surprised as everyone else by their apparent power. All they had done [since their last Factory appearance, on Friday 9 June 1978] was to solidly rehearse and tighten a few musical knots. They had brought their drumming to the forefront. They had found the style which would soon prove to be a major influence on Britain's music scene
(Source: Mick Middlehurst – The Face)